Parent Teacher Organization

Phone: 314-653-8190
Phone: 314-653-8190
We invite you to support BOTH our schools and your child by joining Woodland-Hanrahan PTO. The group meets the 2nd TUESDAY of every month at 6:00 p.m. We need your input and your efforts in order to enhance our program at your child's school. Come to work and get informed, but also make important connections with other parents and staff members.
We are excited to be combining the PTO TOGETHER for Woodland and Hanrahan this year. We will be staggering the meetings in between the two buildings, so please check the calendar and/or website to see WHERE the monthly meeting is scheduled to be held. Both the December Winter Program - Meeting and the May Family Fun Night Meeting will be held at BOTH SCHOOLS.
Mark your calendars now and plan on joining us on the following dates:
- October 14, 2014 PTO Introduction Night (Held at WE)
- November 11, 2014 TBA (Held at WE)
- December - TBA PTO / Winter Program (Programs held at BOTH schools)
- January 13, 2015 PTO - Family Math Night (Held at HE)
- February 10, 2015 PTO - Family Liteacy Night (Held at WE)
- March 10, 2015 PTO - MAP Night (Held at HE)
- April 14, 2015 PTO - Science Fair Night (Held at HE)
- May 12, 2014 PTO - Family Fun Night (Family Fun held at BOTH schools)